Release notes 2024-2025

November 2024

A number of improvements requested by users have been released in CoachTools, and this article covers the most significant ones. This update enables more efficient development of the system moving forward, so the update pace will accelerate in the coming months as we bring more significant new features.

Exercise Library Collections and “Tags”

We have long recognized the challenges in finding exercises in the exercise library. To improve this, we’ve introduced Collections as a new feature in the exercise library. Exercises from all libraries can be added to Collections. The concept of “Tags” has been changed to keywords and removed entirely from exercise cards. Don’t worry, the tags you’ve created haven’t been lost; they have been automatically converted to keywords, and the text search will find exercises based on the tags.

Import Club Training Guidelines to Teams

Folders can now be created and shared with teams at the club level. The Club tab in the exercise library has been removed, and exercises shared by the club are now available directly on the Team’s tab or in the Team’s collections.

Other Minor Exercise Library Improvements

  • Viewing images and drawings on exercise cards has been improved
  • PDF files are now displayed in the exercise card preview

Drawing Board User Experience

The drawing board has been enhanced with customizable tools. New features include a fully customizable color option and the ability to draw freely with different line thicknesses.

  • Text tool
  • Drawing can start over any existing elements
  • Drawing on tablets
  • Marker (for all sports), mannequin (for soccer)
  • All existing tool functionalities have been reviewed

Other New Features and Improvements

Web Push Notifications

You can now enable push notifications on PWA and browser versions as well. Soon, you’ll be able to remind users about, for example, unanswered questionnaires or upcoming event registration deadlines.

Event Registration

  • Coaches can manually lock event registration for athletes
  • Coaches can “reset” event registration for an athlete

Event Planning

Have you noticed that you can attach a PDF file directly to the training event on the Plan tab? Now, you can also attach a PDF to a Game/Match event and Other events. This makes it easier to communicate event details.

Practice Planning

  • You can now view the practice content when searching for exercises in the exercise library.
  • You can also switch the section in which you’re adding an exercise.


  • You can archive old questionnaire templates that are no longer needed.
  • You can translate questionnaires into different languages.
  • Sending questionnaires is faster, and notifications alert you to incoming questionnaires.